Tak priateľia, po dlhšej dobe pridávam svoj prvý „cestovateľský“ fotoblog.
V tomto zimnom nečase, snehu a fujavici mi prišla „last minute“ možnosť ísť do Thajska. Kedže som túto krajinu už dlho chcela navštíviť, no nikdy som nemala možnosť, čas, alebo peniaze, nedalo sa to odmietnuť. :)
Tak sme teda kúpili letenky, zabookovali hotel a o dva dni sa vybrali do tepla, spoznávať svet. Začali sme známou „Pattaya beach“, kde som si trošku užila more, palmy a slniečko… O dva dni sme sa presunuli do veľkomesta – Bangkoku. Tu sme pochodili mesto, popozerali najznámejšie pamiatky (Grand palace, ležiaci budha) a ako čerešničku na torte sme zvolili večeru na 84. poschodí najvyššieho mrakodrapu v meste (Baiyoke Sky 84. floor). Výhlad bol naozaj neskutočný, z reštaurácie sme videli celý nočný Bangkok z vtáčej perspektívy.
Musím povedať, že Thajsko je naozaj krásna krajina a určite sa tam niekedy vrátim :)
Prinášam Vám krátky fotoreport..
Toto je Thajsko, cez môj objektív… Enjoy
Strenutie svadobných Fotografov & Kameramanov FOTO: Vera Fox VIDEO: Matej Salát
Čo sa týka šperkov - som minimalista. (Aj ked som si prešla v mladosti obdobím,…
Priznám sa, že vačšinou som bola taký ten lenivý typ fotografa. Kedže je fotenie moja…
In et ex enim. Pellentesque gravida lectus velit, ac venenatis lacus cursus ut. Quisque quis…
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Chcete písať svoje promo na 12.000.000 (12 milióny!) webové stránky? Žiadny problém - s novým" XEvil 5.0 + XRumer 19.0.8 " softvérový komplex!
Blogy, fóra, tabule, obchody, návštevné knihy, sociálne siete - všetky motory s akýmikoľvek captchas!
XEvil tiež kompatibilný s akýmikoľvek programami SEO / SMM a skriptmi a môže prijímať captchas z ľubovoľného zdroja. Skús to! ;)
Považovať, Mariaquomo
P.S. Nový XEvil 6.0 vyrieši hCaptcha, FunCaptcha a ReCaptcha Enterprize
XEvil-najlepší nástroj na riešenie captcha s neobmedzeným počtom riešení, bez obmedzenia počtu závitov a najvyššej presnosti!
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Môžete použiť XEvil s akýmkoľvek softvérom SEO / SMM, akýmkoľvek analyzátorom kontroly hesiel, akoukoľvek analytickou aplikáciou alebo akýmkoľvek vlastným skriptom:
XEvil podporuje väčšinu známych služieb proti captcha API: 2Captcha, RuCaptcha, AntiGate.com (Anti-Captcha.com), DeathByCaptcha, etc.
Máte záujem? Stačí hľadať v Google "XEvil" pre viac informácií
Čítate to - potom to funguje! ;)))
P.S. Nový XEvil 6.0 zlomí hCaptcha, FunCaptcha a ReCaptcha Enterprize
XEvil-najlepší nástroj na riešenie captcha s neobmedzeným počtom riešení, bez obmedzenia počtu závitov a najvyššej presnosti!
Podpora XEvil 5.0 viac ako 12.000 typov obrázkov-captcha, zahrnuté ReCaptcha, Google captcha, Yandex captcha, Microsoft captcha, Steam captcha, SolveMedia, ReCaptcha-2 a (áno!!!) ReCaptcha-3 príliš.
1.) Pružne: môžete nastaviť logiku pre neštandardné captchas
2.) Ľahko: stačí spustiť XEvil, stlačte tlačidlo 1 - a to bude automaticky prijímať captchas z vašej aplikácie alebo skriptu
3.) Rýchly: 0,01 sekúnd pre jednoduché captchas, o 20..40 sekúnd pre ReCaptcha-2 a asi 5...8 sekúnd pre ReCaptcha-3
Môžete použiť XEvil s akýmkoľvek softvérom SEO / SMM, akýmkoľvek analyzátorom kontroly hesiel, akoukoľvek analytickou aplikáciou alebo akýmkoľvek vlastným skriptom:
XEvil podporuje väčšinu známych služieb proti captcha API: 2Captcha.com, RuCaptcha.Com, AntiGate (Anti-Captcha.com), DeathByCaptcha, etc.
Máte záujem? Stačí hľadať v YouTube "XEvil" pre viac informácií
Čítate to - potom to funguje! ;)))
P.S. Nový XEvil 6.0 zlomí hCaptcha, FunCaptcha a ReCaptcha Enterprize
XEvil-najlepší nástroj na riešenie captcha s neobmedzeným počtom riešení, bez obmedzenia počtu závitov a najvyššej presnosti!
Podpora XEvil 5.0 viac ako 12.000 typov obrázkov-captcha, zahrnuté ReCaptcha, Google captcha, Yandex captcha, Microsoft captcha, Steam captcha, SolveMedia, ReCaptcha-2 a (áno!!!) ReCaptcha-3 príliš.
1.) Pružne: môžete nastaviť logiku pre neštandardné captchas
2.) Ľahko: stačí spustiť XEvil, stlačte tlačidlo 1 - a to bude automaticky prijímať captchas z vašej aplikácie alebo skriptu
3.) Rýchly: 0,01 sekúnd pre jednoduché captchas, o 20..40 sekúnd pre ReCaptcha-2 a asi 5...8 sekúnd pre ReCaptcha-3
Môžete použiť XEvil s akýmkoľvek softvérom SEO / SMM, akýmkoľvek analyzátorom kontroly hesiel, akoukoľvek analytickou aplikáciou alebo akýmkoľvek vlastným skriptom:
XEvil podporuje väčšinu známych služieb proti captcha API: 2Captcha, RuCaptcha.Com, AntiGate (Anti-Captcha.com), DeathByCaptcha, etc.
Máte záujem? Stačí hľadať v Google "XEvil" pre viac informácií
Čítate to - potom to funguje! ;)))
P.S. Nový XEvil 6.0 zlomí hCaptcha, FunCaptcha a ReCaptcha Enterprize
XEvil-najlepší nástroj na riešenie captcha s neobmedzeným počtom riešení, bez obmedzenia počtu závitov a najvyššej presnosti!
Podpora XEvil 5.0 viac ako 12.000 typov obrázkov-captcha, zahrnuté ReCaptcha, Google captcha, Yandex captcha, Microsoft captcha, Steam captcha, SolveMedia, ReCaptcha-2 a (áno!!!) ReCaptcha-3 príliš.
1.) Pružne: môžete nastaviť logiku pre neštandardné captchas
2.) Ľahko: stačí spustiť XEvil, stlačte tlačidlo 1 - a to bude automaticky prijímať captchas z vašej aplikácie alebo skriptu
3.) Rýchly: 0,01 sekúnd pre jednoduché captchas, o 20..40 sekúnd pre ReCaptcha-2 a asi 5...8 sekúnd pre ReCaptcha-3
Môžete použiť XEvil s akýmkoľvek softvérom SEO / SMM, akýmkoľvek analyzátorom kontroly hesiel, akoukoľvek analytickou aplikáciou alebo akýmkoľvek vlastným skriptom:
XEvil podporuje väčšinu známych služieb proti captcha API: 2Captcha.com, RuCaptcha, AntiGate (Anti-Captcha.com), DeathByCaptcha, etc.
Máte záujem? Stačí hľadať v Google "XEvil" pre viac informácií
Čítate to - potom to funguje! ;)))
P.S. Nový XEvil 6.0 vyrieši hCaptcha, FunCaptcha a ReCaptcha Enterprize
You're confident of you want to renovate your house, however you don’t know where to start, adequate? Well, you’re not alone. Many homeowners dive into the renovation approach with no clue of what you should anticipate. It’s only after they endure renovation mishaps that they feel dissapointed about not having a plan. Without preparation, the home renovation process could be full of disappointments because not wish building a new house, you aren't starting with a blank point out. There can be unforeseen expenses together with issues that make the process complicated. So before you go down often the twists and turns on the renovation path, here are far better things you must know before you start redecorating.
1. Invest in a Key Lockbox.
If you're renovating your home in advance of actually move into it and also live far away, consider having a key lockbox. If there are usually large projects on your sign up that you can't do yourself, you'll need to hire a firm. Remember that contractors start easy, so unless you want to produce in morning rush-hour in order to let workers inside, will attach a lockbox or simply install smart door product that allows you to provide entry to help you guests with a code. It could save you countless hours of time, gallons of fuel, and unpleasant, early morning wake-up calls.
2. Spend Time in the Space.
Even though obvious as it might seem, you will need to hold off on some choices like paint colors, rug, and light fixtures until you take your time in the space you're improving upon. For example , if you want to replace appeared to be involved with carpet, the choices can be tough. Dense or loose resources? Striated or no pattern? What exactly exact shade of uninspiring? The answers depend on an added aspects of the renovation, just like choosing paint colors. Coloring palettes selected before the renovation started need to be seen concerning walls and could change after you spend time in the house. Freshly displayed walls and new floors can reveal that quite a few light fixtures just ought not to illuminate the space as you idea it would. If you spend much more time upfront considering the way everything works together from the room you're remodeling, you can save yourself several back-to-the-drawing-board moments.
3. Be Realistic About Your Timeline.
Your individual renovation will take longer compared to expected, so be prepared and in addition accommodations to avoid frustration. For example, you might think that replacing some form of whirlpool tub and out-of-date double vanity in a bath tub will be quick. Removal of your current fixtures can take a few hours, despite the fact that locating a new tub in addition vanity you love can take a month. It can be another two weeks ahead of they're delivered. An expectations of using your new region bath within a week can make into a six-week waiting interval. Be realistic about the renovation process and timeline and select your individual brand new updates before having the existing elements removed.
4. Expect typically the Unexpected.
All homes hold secrets, in the walls, below the floors, and elsewhere. One particular renovation can bring those that you should light. Like when your service provider tells you your floors are generally uneven due to a shifted cardiovascular joist while measuring on your highly anticipated new wooden floor floors. Now you need to end the home inspector who get missed it and get the floor joist repaired before the new material can go down. This is a single example of how you should have a the unexpected by contemplating extra time in your renovation chronology and extra money into your remodelling budget to allow for unanticipated wrecks along the way.
5. Interview A number of Contractors.
It pays to occupation interview multiple contractors and compare and contrast bids. Suppose you want your own personal hot water heater removed from a fantastic upstairs closet and a refreshing one installed in the storage area area. The first plumber you ask says he plans to bill $6, 000 and will probably reroute hot water lines. lessening into your living room tray roof to do so. The second plumber said it was too much work. Expert three plans to finish the job in a day and charge $3, 285 with no water path rerouting needed. Without finding multiple contractors, you afford the risk of paying too much rather than getting what you want. It pays to undertake your homework and correspond with several experts before making condition decision.
6. Renovate Your own personal Kitchen First.
Homeowners typically want to know in what order they must renovate a house. It’s additionally best to start with the kitchen because these remodels add major value to the dwelling. According to the National Association inside the Remodeling Industry’s 2019 upgrading impact report, realtors base that homeowners can maintenance 59% of the cost of a complete kitchen renovation if they industry their home. Plus, if you have a fantastic outdated kitchen, upgrading the main worn-out space will let you much better enjoy the space while you will be home. Practically speaking, really good to do the kitchen remodel most important because that work will create probably the most dust and debris, which you won't want landing about new paint or conclusion jobs. It's always a good idea to segregate any demolition mess by simply putting plastic over checkpoints or pass-throughs. Since a significant kitchen remodel typically takes almost a year to complete, you’ll want to well-known a temporary substitute kitchen in the dining room, family room, or another near by area in your house.
7. Often be Specific About Design Styles.
You'll want to narrow down your style preferences before you meet with an inside designer. Get inspiration by way of browsing home decorating magazines, home decorating websites, and design implies. Getting a handle on a not to mention direction will help you avoid currently being talked into a designer's personalized ideas, which might be different from your own vision for the renovation. Additionally, keep your designer strictly to yourself budget. Don't allow them to cash expensive materials and question you for for it later. If you try to stay within a specific extend of time, your costs will stay suprisingly low, too.
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Čítali ste to - potom XEvil 5.0 naozaj funguje
Chcete písať svoje odkazy na 12.000.000 (12 milióny!) webové stránky? Žiadny problém - s novým" XEvil 5.0 + XRumer 19.0.8 " softvérový komplex!
Blogy, fóra, tabule, obchody, návštevné knihy, sociálne siete - všetky motory s akýmikoľvek captchas!
XEvil tiež kompatibilný s akýmikoľvek programami SEO / SMM a skriptmi a môže prijímať captchas z ľubovoľného zdroja. Skús to! ;)
Považovať, MashaKybub7439
P.S. K dispozícii sú obrovské zľavy (až 50%!) pre krátku recenziu o XEvil na akomkoľvek populárnom fóre alebo platforme. Stačí požiadať oficiálnu podporu o zľavu!